After a lovely day with Jean and Cris it was time, this morning, to run down the last remaining major miles. Caxias de Sul is pretty last thing at night and in the morning too.
Most of the day was spent endeavouring to time travel by riding at 88mph but it still to a long time to get to the border; Brasil is just soo big. Pretty though.
There was loads of bird life around here, some small black birds flying from one side of the road to the other in flocks of hundreds. One didn`t make it. Yes they are bits of bird blood and guts over my helmet, yummy!
Uruguay was also pretty. Prettier for me as they didn`t ask about insurance at the border which saved money, time and a fuss.
In the end I pushed on a bit further than planned and made it to Montevideo. Here I learn`t that the shipping organisers like 2 weeks notice and need me in BA by 2pm tomorrow otherwise I`m not getting home this week. Thats nice!!!!! Anyway I have a little luxury tonight in an old fashioned `petit grand` style hotel. The doors are all 12foot tall!
So tomorrow is crunch day. We will see.
Almost traveled Tigger
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